Sunday, November 29, 2009

51. Christmas Lights

So, I'm one of those people who believes that Christmas decorations shouldn't go up until December 1st. However, I won't complain if I see them up before that. Anyway, I was walking to my office yesterday after the football game and walked past a bunch of trees on campus that were lit up with Christmas lights and I got really happy. I love Christmas, and I think that Christmas lights can really be quite amazing if they are done right. Also, seeing Christmas lights is one of the easiest ways to be reminded that Christmas is coming up and to help you think about the season and everything involved with it. I love to see Temple Square all lit up with lights this time of year. I haven't actually been there for a few years to check them out, but I love them.

1 comment:

  1. Christmas lights are my favorite decoration by far! I love them. Did you know that I learned my colors by looking at Christmas lights? I guess they've always been a favorite for me. Charles put our lights up on the house on Friday, and we all get excited about turning them on at night. Aerie "helped" me string some through the bushes outside the front windows.
