Friday, November 13, 2009

35. A Good Book

Okay, so, I'm not referring to any book in particular here. It's just a lot of fun to be able to get into a good book. I really don't get to read for fun as much as I would like. Actually, I don't really do it much at all during the school year, especially this semester. During the eight month stretch from September through April, I'll read more during the Christmas break than the other 7.5 months altogether.

There's something really satisfying about reading a good book. First of all, it's entertaining. When I get into a good book, there isn't much else that I want to do. I can sit for hours reading just to find out what happens next, and next, and next. Second of all, it feels a lot better than sitting for hours and watching TV, or playing video games, or just sitting there. Then, when you finish the book, it feels good to look back at it and think "hey, I read all of that." That feels particularly good when it's a nice thick book. There really isn't much better than a good book.


  1. I love a good book too. I inherited a love for reading from my mother and she got it from her father - my Grampa Secretan. I am so happy that this has been passed on to my kids. You got a double dose though; your dad loves a good book too (although he doesn't start to panic like I do if the current book is almost finished and another one isn't at hand). I even have a few books that I have read over and over. For me to throw a book away, it has to be pretty bad. I recently tossed "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer into the garbage. I am sure that many do not agree with me, but that is the magic of books; our feelings about them are very personal.
