Wednesday, November 18, 2009

40. Institute

Honestly, I'm really thankful that I am able to go to institute this semester. This has been kind of a crazy semester and it's really nice to have institute in the middle of the week to kind of bring things back into perspective and to provide a little bit of a break.

I'll admit, I don't always pay as much attention as I should. But, when I do, I always learn something great. And, like I said, it helps to keep me focused on the gospel and ways in which I can improve myself and become more Christlike. And, trust me, I need to keep improving. Seriously, though, I normally have a hard enough time remembering those things throughout the week anyway, let alone when I'm as busy like I have been this semester. So, it's been really nice to have institute there to help me along the way.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, institute provides a bit of a break as well. I take other breaks as well, but there's always this nagging feeling of "I should be working on something." With institute, however, it doesn't feel like that. It's a break that I don't feel bad taking. I'm pretty sure that has something to do with the whole coming unto Christ thing. I don't think you can really feel guilty doing that.

So, here's something that I thought was cool about institute tonight. I was already planning on writing about institute tonight before actually attending tonight. Then, when I showed up to institute, it turned out that the lesson tonight was on humility and gratitude. Then, at the end of the lesson, the instructor played one of the recent "Mormon Messages" videos. I thought it was pretty cool and felt it appropriate to share here. Enjoy.

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

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