Thursday, November 26, 2009

48. Library Book Sales

Happy Thanksgiving...again! So, today is American Thanksgiving. It's been a good day. I slept in, read a bit, worked on a puzzle, then went to dinner at my bishop's place with some other members of the ward. Dinner was so good, and it was fun to spend it with good people.

Anyway, back to today's topic. I learned back in August that the Provo City Library holds book sales from time to time. I think they are selling the books in the library that don't really get checked out very much. Anyway, I've gone a few times and have gotten some great deals on a lot of books. I've been buying books at a much faster rate than I can read them, but luckily it isn't costing me an arm and a leg. For example, at the last sale I was able to buy 35 books (most of them hard covers), in good condition, for $13 dollars. I was pretty excited. So, that means that I'll have plenty to work on when I have time to read. Now, I just hope that the majority of these books are good.

1 comment:

  1. The library at Stettler Elementary would get rid of books that weren't being checked out anymore either, and staff had first pick before a public sale. I scooped tons of Newberry award winners for free!
