Saturday, November 28, 2009

50. My MP3 Player

Okay, before I start off, I think it would have been much more appropriate to wait until this week to write about BYU football. The Cougars beat the Utes 26-23 in overtime. It was so crazy and so tense at the end! I'm so glad I didn't miss out on that game.

Alright, so, my mp3 player. My brother gave me a gift card to Future Shop last Christmas. I used that card to buy my first mp3 player, and I have not regretted it since then. I bought a 4GB Sansa Clip. It's just a tiny little thing, and it has served me well. I filled it up instantly and I have used it extensively since then.

One of the main reasons that I chose this one over other players at the store was that it has a clip on the back so I can clip it to my clothes when I go running, and that has been very handy. I haven't gone to work out at all this semester, but before September I would usually try to go work out a couple of times a week. I'm pretty sure that I've used my mp3 player more while I've been working out and running than in any other circumstance. It has really been helpful, especially when I've been running on the treadmill. Honestly, I don't really like treadmills unless I have music or TV to keep me distracted. If I don't have either of those, I usually only run about half as far as I do with them.

So, I'm not only thankful for the entertainment value of my mp3 player, but I'm also thankful for the health benefits of it as well.

1 comment:

  1. I listened to the end of the game. It was close and I am glad the cougars won. Great pass at the end there. Anyway, keep up the posts, I like reading them. Congrats on making it to 50!
