Tuesday, October 20, 2009

11. Ducks

Okay, so, this one may seem a bit silly, but it's true. I am thankful for ducks. Not any particular kind of duck, just ducks in general. And no, this doesn't fall into the food category alongside bacon. I've only eaten duck once, and it wasn't that special of an experience.

Ducks simply make me laugh. I learned this over the summer when I moved into an apartment complex south of campus. I started walking to school along this cool brick path that runs along the south side of campus, and passes by a pond where ducks tend to gather. It wasn't rare to run across a fair number of ducks as I walked to and from my office every day.

I guess what makes me laugh is a combination of how they quack and waddle. It was great to come across a group of ducks on the path because as you got closer they'd start to quack a bit, but wouldn't move yet. Then, as you got even closer, their quacks would start to have this really annoyed tone to them as they decided to actually move off the path. They always seemed so put out that I had come along and disturbed their little gathering, and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit as they angrily waddled away. I just can't take them seriously.


  1. I realy like ducks too. They are so comical on the ground, but when they fly they are much more majestic. The little ducklings at Lake Powell have provided lots of entertainment and they are just so cute!
    Just a quick comment on your previous post about little kids. I have to agree that you have the cutest and funniest nieces and nephews around--just like my grandchildren! Isn't that amazing?

  2. We usually have several in the pond behind our house, and Aerie likes to stand on her bed and watch them from her window. They are pretty bossy birds, but so funny!
