Monday, October 19, 2009

10. Little Kids

So, I think little kids are hilarious. They simply say and do the funniest things. I've been thinking about this today because of a few stories I've heard about my nieces recently. One has been thinking that there are hippos in her closet, and the other is just being her usual dramatic and silly self. Little kids are just one more thing that makes life fun.

Now, while I obviously believe that my nieces and nephews are the funniest and cutest little kids out there, I get a kick out of all little kids (well, as long as they're not being bratty, but luckily I won't have to deal with that aspect too much until I have my own kids). Just today I was getting my hair cut and some parents came in with their son who looked to be about two-ish. He had this big bushy head of hair (if he wasn't the one getting his hair cut, he definitely needed it) and just wandered around looking wide-eyed at everything, much like any little kid. Well, I couldn't help but smile when I saw him.

So, I've noticed that in a lot of my posts I mention how something makes me happy and that is why I am thankful for the topic of that day. This makes sense, since I'm pretty sure it would be hard to find a reason to be thankful for something that makes me sad. Anyway, it seems like happiness is more prominent than convenience right now on my list. I just thought that was interesting.

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