Saturday, December 19, 2009

71. Books on CD

Books on CD are wonderful for long drives. I've listened to a few books while driving between Provo and the farm, and it helps so much. It's much better than just listening to music. I get a lot more engaged in the story and the time really flies by if it's a good one. I drove up to Canada today and listened to Anne Perry's No Graves as Yet. To be honest, I wasn't a big fan, and I found myself getting easily distracted away from the story. So, it wasn't the best book to listen to, but it still helped. There were still moments when I found myself amazed at how far I had driven after gettting caught up in a particular development in the plot. In any case, books on CD really make the drive a lot more bearable, and I am thankful for that. Some other books that I've listened to are The Book of the Dead (Preston and Child), Life Expectancy (Dean Koontz), and Forever Odd (Dean Koontz). That last one was kind of strange, but it still held my attention better than today's choice.

1 comment:

  1. Patrick and I listened to a few too when we drove from Brooks to Ottawa. I even had a Shopaholic book that I didn't think he'd like, but he seemed to get into it.
