Thursday, December 17, 2009

69. My Headlamp

I bought a headlamp over a year ago. It's meant for camping and hiking in the dark and such, but I use it to read. I actually got the idea from a roommate of mine that I was living with over a year ago. He would come home late at night after being with his fiance and he would jump right into bed and read Harry Potter late into the night. If I was already in bed, he would throw on his headlamp (which he did also use for camping) so that the lights could be off in the room. I decided to follow his lead and bought my own. It has been great. I've used it on many occasions to read in the dark. Sometimes the few moments before I fall asleep are the only times during the school year that I can do some casual reading (or that I think to do some casual reading). If my roommate is trying to sleep, then I don't keep him awake with the lights. It's also handy if I'm the only one in the room. I can be laying in bed with the lights off and then just roll over when I'm done reading without having to get up to turn off the light.

1 comment:

  1. Guess what, Robert. Kandis and I sleep in the same bed now and we both use our headlamps to read so we don't have to get up to get the light. :)

    I still can't believe Dumbledore died...
