Sunday, December 13, 2009

65. Mr. Krueger's Christmas

A little side note to start us off. I had a request for a bit more detail into Merbear. So, I've put a picture of him up under the Merbear post. Enjoy.

Mr. Krueger's Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas videos. I remember watching it for the first time when I was fairly young and not really following it at all, which is funny because it's a pretty simple little video. Anyway, a lot of it is pretty corny, but there's one scene where he imagines himself visiting the Savior on the night of his birth. I love this scene. I find it very touching and it does a great job of reminding me of what Christmas is really all about.

Anyway, I was in a pretty bad mood earlier today. I really shouldn't have been, but I was letting a bunch of stupid stuff bug me a lot. I finally reached the point where I realized that something needed to change. So, I decided to watch Mr. Krueger's Christmas. It did wonders for me and put me back in Christmas mode.

1 comment:

  1. At a Relief Society dinner recently, they were going to show Mr. Krueger, and then the first part of Elf. I had Aerie with me for some reason, and part of the way through Mr. Krueger, she yelled out, "I don't like this one! I want Elf!" I hope she comes around a bit when she's a little older.
