Sunday, December 20, 2009

72. Clear Roads

I mentioned yesterday that I drove up to Alberta from Provo. It's about a 12 hr trip, and can be really nice at times and really bad at times depending upon the weather and road conditions, and it's kind of hard to predict how the roads are going to be unless you know somebody who has just recently driven on them. Sometimes that's not even all that accurate.

Yesterday the roads were really nice and clear, and I am so thankful for that. Snowy and icy roads add so much stress to the trip. Growing up in Alberta, I've been around snowy roads my whole life and have been driving on them ever since I got my license. However, despite having years of experience on them, I still don't like them, especially when I'm in the middle of nowhere in Idaho or Montana. I remember driving home one Christmas when the roads were covered in snow and all of a sudden the car in front of me started fishtailing and went off the road. That was kind of a scary experience that made me pay extra close attention to how I was driving. The trip just goes so much better when there is no snow or ice on the road, and I'm thankful there wasn't any yesterday.

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