Anybody I associate with is probably pretty thankful that I'm thankful for toothpaste. Then again, if I wasn't thankful for toothpaste, there probably wouldn't be too many people associating with me. Anyway, it's nice to be able to clean my teeth and make my mouth feel fresh. I really dislike that fuzzy feeling that your teeth get if you don't brush your teeth. It's gross and it makes me feel self-concious, as if I'm scared that it shows that I haven't brushed them and that my breath will stink. Luckily, that's a rare occurrence because I have toothpaste and a toothbrush. So, don't worry out there, I'm thankful for toothpaste and brush regularly.
I told grandpa once that I needed to brush my teeth before going somewhere and he said, "Do your teeth feel like they are wearing sweaters?"