Thursday, December 3, 2009

55. Vending Machines

I can't tell you how many meals I have eaten out of the vending machines in the Fletcher Building. There have been many late nights in my office this semester where I have found myself without anything to eat. Sometimes this is because I haven't gone home yet that day, sometimes it's simply because I just haven't planned ahead and brought food back up on campus with me. Anyway, I have turned to the vending machines a lot this semester to keep me going at night. Has it been cheap? No. Has it been healthy? No. Has it been convenient? Absolutely. Despite the necessity to complain to dining services a couple of times about expired chocolate milk, it's definitely been nice to have the vending machines here.


  1. Vending machine nutrition? I don't think so. Maybe you should start keeping some healthy snacks in your desk. They do exist!

    Love Mom

  2. Like Cheetos and beef jerky? Good idea!
