Sunday, January 17, 2010

There You Have It

I can't believe that I did it. 100 days ago I started this blog, not knowing what to expect. I had no idea what kinds of things would stand out to me as I searched for topics to write about. Some of them surprised me, some of them just seemed natural, and all of them are things for which I truly am grateful. I would also like to say that I am thankful to all of you who have been reading this and have made comments to me (whether they be on the blog or in person) about what I've been writing. You're support has helped me to keep going at this.

I have learned a lot as I've done this. Like I said, some of the topics surprised me at first. Some of them seemed really silly as I was writing about them. But this experience also helped me to realize how many little things there are to be thankful for. There are so many things that I thought about putting on here but didn't just because I didn't know how to actually write about them. I hope that this has been a good experience for those of you who have been reading this.

Some of you have asked what I am going to do now that I've reached #100. To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure. I could continue the list, but I'm also tempted to take a little bit of a break. I have lots to be thankful for, but it was definitely more work than I expected to update this every day. Also, I've enjoyed the whole blogging experience, so I might just start up another general blog and leave this purely as 100 Things. In either case, I'll have an update on here soon so that you aren't all just left wondering. Again, thank you for all of your support.


  1. It was fun reading! Can't wait to find out what you decide to do next. :)

  2. I am thankful for this blog, and I've loved reading it. Sometimes you were the brightest spot in my day, and reminded me to be thankful for the little things in my own life. You have inspired me.

  3. This is my second try. My first comment wouldn't go through.
    Thank you Robert! Everyday I have looked forward to see what you would write about and like Kimberly, you have reminded me to be thankful for so many little things. They all add up to something very big to be thankful for. The biggest and best of all is my family.

    I hope you keep blogging in one form or another.

  4. Kim shared a link to your blog on her blog. I've read your intro and conclusion and skimmed a few entries. I fully intend to read the whole thing when I get time. What a WONDERFUL idea. So thought provoking for others, too. I love it!
